Customization is always loved by every one. We buy new cellphones, tablets, laptops or even a desktop computers, we all look for some good customization features. Like we regularly keep changing Desktop Wallpapers, Themes, Login Screens and some time we also love to change casings in case of Laptops and Cellphones.
Many of us want to change Windows Start Button but don't find any useful method or software to perform this task. If some get successful in changing the Start Orb by getting deep into Windows Tricks than mostly they don't know How To Design a Best Start Orb. We have already discussed and provided you with a Detailed and easiest Photoshop Tutorial about How to Design a Personalized Start Orb Yourself.
In today's post we'll provide you with Most Easy to use Software that let you to Change Windows Start Button/Orb Easily in a Few Clicks.
How to Change Windows Start Button
Windows 7 Start Button Changer
To download the Windows 7 Start Button Changer and 10 beautiful Start Orbs Click the Download Button at the bottom of article.Once you have downloaded the Zip File, unzip it and open the folder named "Windows 7 Start Button Changer" from the location where you have unzipped it.
Inside the folder you'll find a Portable Application that don't need to be installed.
To Change your Start Button just Right Click on Application named Windows 7 Start Orb Changer and select Run as Administrator
Once you Run Program as Administrator, a Dialogue Box will be opened asking you permission to Run the Program.
Just Click Yes
Once you clicked Yes.
A program named "Windows Start Orb Changer" will be opened.
From there just click the Change button and browse for your favorite Start Button.
You can also change the Start Orb right from your desktop, because of Windows Assimilation of this Program.
Just Tick mark the Box "Add Short Cut In Context Menu"
This will add an option of tart Orb. All you need is a Right Click on your Desktop and Select Start Orb. The Program will be opened.
We have already attached 10 beautiful Start Orbs with the file, you can select any one of your choice.
Visit Here for More Windows 7 Start Buttons
If you want to design your Own Windows 7 Start Button You can Design Here
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